The United States of America is in the midst of a national emergency, virtually unparalleled in our history. An unprecedented breakdown crisis threatens social disintegration and economic chaos, to the point that the future of our republic itself is in question. Our government has ceased to be sovereign, blackmailed into bailing out Wall Street and London gambling institutions, who are literally holding our commercial banking sector hostage in exchange for trillions of dollars in ransom. Our states and cities have been bankrupted and our citizens impoverished, while criminality at the highest level–typified by HSBC’s laundering of drug money and terrorist financing is protected from prosecution by the White House itself. The American people are being driven to desperation, and we’ve all but lost the political will needed to survive, but for the leadership provided by a small but indispensable minority.
We now face at an existential decision. Either the United States joins Greece and other European nations in their precipitous plunge into economic hell, propelled by an agenda of murderous austerity, or we will discard the policy paradigm of the last fifty years and revive the economic principles last employed by Franklin Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy, to salvage the industrial and productive power of our decaying nation, and adopt new goals of technological and scientific achievement worthy of our historic responsibility to lead in creating humanity’s future. Download and continue reading…