Reuters constructed this graph, with data from the European Commission, which shows the projected government debt ratio’s for the selected EU countries. As you cansee for most countries the debt to gdp ratio is well above it’s 10 year average.
As you might have expected Greece has the highest debt to gdp ratio. On the other hand, Sweden’s debt is even lower than it’s 10 year average. Euro Area avearge government debt is expected to be at 95 percent.
2013 Greek Budget: More Austerity
The Greek Government will again implement significant budget cuts in 2013, which it agreed on in November with the Troika. Pensions and state salaries are the main places where the cuts will take place. The reduction in the deficit consists for about 4/5th of budget cuts and 1/5 of tax increases. This total planned tax increases and budget cuts in 2013 are 9.4 billion euro’s.
The reduced budget deficit will still increase the government debt however.
Note: the Greek parliament has approved the budget in