© Photo: RIA Novosti/Vitaliy Belousov
Preparations for the Victory Day parade in Crimea have scared Kiev. Ukrainians spotted Russian fighter aircraft and bombers in the sky above the peninsula. The aircraft were drilling aerobatic maneuvers and special effects for their performance in Sevastopol during the Victory Day parade. Crimeans themselves were not in the least worried by the squadrons of Russian planes, while in the Ukraine their drill created a flap.
There were heaps of comments in social networks to the effect that it was high time to look for bomb shelters to hide from Russian planes. Ukrainians are unaccustomed to such events because their own aircraft practically do not fly, so the scale when about 50 planes rise in the sky at the same time seems something outstanding to Ukrainians and produces an impression of looming invasion on them.
The undisguised hysterics of the Ukrainian media about the aircraft in the sky should seem absolutely absurd and at least elicit a smile (or even Homeric laughter) but in reality horror-stories about Russia are turned into instruments of an information war in Kiev’s hands, editor-in-chief of the Arsenal Otechestva magazine Viktor Murakhovsky points out.
“These are routine events of today’s information war. First of all, this is done to distract attention, to draw it away from what is happening in the Ukraine, especially in its south-east. The second motive is once again to complain to western sponsors about Russia preparing an invasion. In the course of recent events in the Ukraine we can see a lot of various remarks on the subject of the presence of Russian troops and their preparation to invade the Ukraine. The Russian aircraft were lugged in here to top it off.”
The West has announced 25 May to be the anchor date. If the situation in the south-east does not come back to normal by that time, the western countries and the International Monetary Fund can hardly be expected to give the Ukraine money. This is why Ukrainians spare no effort in justifying their actions. They are sending punitive troops and telling horror stories – all for the same purpose.
Kiev enthusiastically cooks hair-raising stories about huge and wicked Russia. First Ukrainians were bullied with Russian military equipment staged on Russian bases on the Russian territory. The new hair-raiser is the aircraft drill for the Victory Day. It is next to impossible to invent anything even scarier but with talents possessed by the Ukrainian authorities and media they can very well succeed.