© Collage: Voice of Russia
8 May 2014, 19:19
The junta in Kiev is continuing its campaign of terror and violence against the people of Ukraine and is also attempting to expand it short-sighted retaliatory measures against the peaceful civilians in the Russian Federal Republic of Crimea. While continuing to receive Russian gas despite unpaid gas deliveries amounting to $3.5 billion (which Russia has been generous enough not to cut off due to the adverse effect such a move would have on the Ukrainian people) the junta, under false self-created pretexts, has decided to punish the residents and the civilian population of its former subject Crimea by cutting off all freshwater supplies to the territory through the North Crimea Canal providing another example of the junta’s complete disregard for the well-being of the civilian population.
Although Crimea, through a legal democratic referendum carried out after the overwhelming demands of the populace made the decision to rejoin the Russian Federation after decades of being a marginalized yet more-or-less autonomous part of Ukraine, is now part of the Russian Federation, during its transition period it is still partially dependent on Ukraine for some electricity and fresh water supplies and Kiev is using this as a weapon against the people.
The fascist junta occupying the bodies of government in Kiev continues to ignore the will, and more importantly the very well-being, of not only the people of Ukraine but of the Crimea which had been given to Ukraine like a sack of potatoes in an unfortunate decision by Nikita Khrushchev which was designed to bring closer unity between Ukraine and Russia exemplified by the slogan “Eternally Together” which could be seen on Soviet posters commemorating the event in 1954. Some members of the Supreme Soviet said the transfer was to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the Treaty of Pereyaslav which was supposed to have unified the Ukraine and Russia.
In contrast to Russian generosity and respect for the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian state, further underlined by Russia recently pulling its troops away from the Ukrainian border (a move Russia in no way was obligated to do), Russia’s aforementioned continued deliveries of gas and other necessary strategic resources, Russia’s assistance in guaranteeing the security and wellbeing of Crimeans and the Ukrainian population and even the utmost respect with which Russia treated Ukrainian national symbols and soldiers in Crimea when they decided not to serve in the Russian army (Russia going so far as to ship Ukrainian tanks and military hardware back to Ukraine at its own expense), the complete disregard for the common people by the fascist junta is historic in proportion and can only be justified by the junta’s own twisted ideological psychosis which has openly targeted anyone opposing them for destruction in keeping with the genocidal ideology of the nazis they attempt to emulate.
The crimes against the people of Ukraine by the violent fascist thugs in power against their own people continue to be carried out systematically and with the assistance of the CIA and European powers, who are not only actively complicit but passively approving in their complete lack of any sort of criticism for even the slaughter of what are reported to be over 100 peaceful demonstrators whose only crime was emulating the Maidan tent city in protest of the fascists and who were then brutally butchered and burned alive by forces organized and sent from Kiev.
The West is even complicit in (being controlled by what was supposed to be a defensive organization NATO but which has become a lawless aggressor) the historically unprecedented move of a government activating the military and using nazi paramilitaries to suppress popular unrest.
Regardless of the false labeling of protestors as “terrorists”, the continued demonization of Russia, the war against journalists (including myself) and the covering up of crimes, the real terrorists in Kiev and the Right Sector can in no way justify the pogroms and the killing of their own citizens, neighbors and countrymen. Even the insidious use of the label “pro-Russian” is no justification. I am also 100% pro-Russian, does that mean I should die and be exterminated? If so let that be the case but I will not go down without a fight and I would be honored to die for Russia against fascists if it comes to war and this sentiment is held by millions upon millions in Ukraine and Crimea, hence guaranteeing the unmerciful demise of the nazi junta who in no way will be able to hold on to power and who are obviously insane for believing they will be able to.
For US/NATO/CIA/EU it does not matter of course, they need only be in power long enough to allow for NATO expansion into Ukraine and the division they are causing in the heart of Rus is already a victory for the mindless war machine that NATO has become.
By attempting to punish the people of Crimea by cutting off water, a populace forced by the actions of the junta itself, to seek reunification with Russia, the US/NATO/EU installed and backed illegitimate fascist junta that was assisted by the US in violently taking power in Kiev in February from a democratically elected government, is continuing its de facto cowardly illegal war on the Ukrainian and Crimean people.
According to the Crimean authorities water supply issues were addressed many time on the official level to counter the junta’s false claim that there were payment arrears and offers were even made to pay for the water at many times over the accepted rate. Each attempt to resolve the issue was met with obfuscation and non-response, clearly showing the junta’s attempt to punish the Crimean people.
The path of force, intimidation, brutality and murder that the fascist junta has chosen to continue on is one that is unsustainable and with each passing day and with every move they make, they are guaranteeing their own demise. Yet the West continues to support and attempt to legitimize the junta as they manipulate the media, twist the facts, ignore the truth, demonize Russia and confuse the western audience. This is important because no matter how the West attempts to twist the events and demonize Russia, that message will never change the truth for the Ukrainian people who are living under a nazi junta and that truth will eventually come out.
After bringing Kiev to ruins, killing hundreds in a violent coup that robbed the Ukrainian people of the president and the government that they had elected, outlawing the Russian language which is spoken by over 96% of the Ukrainian people, waging a campaign of terror, xenophobia, intolerance and hate to subjugate the people, making a mockery of government and all state bodies, subjecting innocent people to a reign of terror, terrorizing the press into blind compliance, losing an entire section of the country after marginalizing and terrorizing its people, calling forth the army to kill its own people alongside nazi para-military murderers, corrupting all bodies of justice and burning alive and brutally murdering those opposed to them, the nazi junta continues to pound more nails into its own coffin and prove to the Ukrainian people and the world, despite the criminal collusion of the West in attempting to legitimize them, the true nature of the animals that they are.
No Russian Involvement
Russia continues to attempt to help the Ukrainian people and Ukraine although this is made almost impossible due to the fact that an illegal “government” is in power but has nothing to do with the internal conflict in that country. President Vladimir Putin stated yesterday after a meeting with OSCE head Didier Burkhalter:
“As soon as our colleagues in Europe or the US drive one situation or another into a blind alley, they always say that now the key to resolving the problem lies in the hands of Moscow and it bears the entire responsibility…”
“As regards what will suit Russia and what won’t suit Russia. We are not a party to this conflict. The parties are inside Ukraine,” President Putin also stated.
Cutting Off the Water
Ukraine has already started cutting off the supply of fresh water to Crimea by erecting a dam made of sandbags across the North Crimean channel. “According to eyewitnesses, cranes and other construction machinery were spotted 40 km from the border between Crimea and Ukraine, near the Armyansk-Herson interstate. Following the reunification of Crimea with Russia, Ukraine decreased the flow of fresh water down the North Crimean channel to a third of the regular amount since April 14, and on April 24 closed off the channel’s sluicegates completely.”
The Junta’s Days Are Numbered
Moscow knows that eventually those ordering illegal military operations against civilians and those responsible for the situation in Ukraine will eventually have to answer to the Ukrainian people. This is a given and one which the junta seems to have ignored. Ukrainians will never allow fascists, traitors and western puppets like Turchinov, Yatsenyuk, Tyganobok, Litschko, Yarosh to force their will on the people and stay in power for long.
By moves such as ordering military operations against civilians, burning people alive in Odessa, the daily atrocities and moves like attempting to deny people of water the junta is only showing it is playing a losing hand. The junta may be causing suffering but in the long term the damage they are causing to themselves is multiplying. The junta’s actions, like the actions of the West against Russia, are forcing Ukrainians, Crimeans and Russians to become more creative, self-sustaining, independent and in the end much stronger, and if there ever was a war fought for the hearts and minds of the people of Ukraine and Russia, I believe it is a very clear fact, that that war has long been lost.