This is a pregnant woman in a cage used to raise sows for the meat industry. This stunt was pulled on Mother’s Day.
“History shows us that sex does sell. The study has a major flaw: Ads and
campaigns without sex appeal often simply go unnoticed. We would love
nothing more than to talk about animal suffering, telling people how foxes
and raccoon dogs killed for their fur are often bludgeoned to death or have
their skin ripped off while they’re still fully conscious, or how fish
suffer excruciating decompression when they are yanked from the ocean
depths, and have them listen. But unfortunately people turn off and simply
don’t listen. The worst thing that a social justice movement campaign can be
is silent. Time and time again, protests featuring fully-clothed people
cramped in cages to demonstrate the suffering that monkeys bound for
experimentation endure on long haul flights, or activists dressed in chicken
costumes to protest KFC’s lack of animal welfare standards, never grab the
headlines, garner attention, or get TV airtime as ones with sex appeal do.”

And just what, pray tell, do this have to do with elephants?