dangerous routine, Pictures of extreme violence and brutality become a new routine in our lives and shape our psyche.
Cuba solidarity blocked, Cuba sent 165 medical personnel, avansada a total of 400 to combat Ebola in Africa
The factory of pigs: Sionism III, And there we go. Sweden heading to recognise Palestina as a State. We all already know it is, unlike the fake Israel, a real state, but now is going to be official .With the arrival of an alterntive to federal reserve the Factory of pigs beggins to collapse. Stay tuned for: “The Factory of pigs: Sionism IV” 😉
The factory of pigs: Sionism II As sionist spam continues, new chances to create educational stock about the threaten of massonic oligarchy and corrupted corporations arrive. The lobbies of Sion are scared to see that the world starts to wake up and realise about their silent manipulation, this is why their activity into creating international conflicts is never been as intense as now. Ukrania, Syria, Palestina…is the end of the Factory of pigs getting closer? In the next episode and waiting for the next sionist spam: The Factory of pigs: Sionism III, stay tuned!
The factory of pigs: Sionism I, Every attack from sionism will be responded with antisionist cartoons, in this way sionism itself will stimulate and generate its own uncovering. The more sionists will spam with no legal consequences the more the world will have a stock to use on their lessons, conferences, etc. to illustrate people about the issue. A creative way to fight the attack against freedom of expression. Come and make yours this cartoon.yeyh! 😉 The Factory of pigs:Sionism II coming, to be continued…