We Are the Same, This cartoon is part of our Peace & Justice project and was based on a tweet: ‘We will only have peace in the world if we accept one another regardless of one’s race, color or tribe.’

The OSCE does not want to use German drones in the Donb, German drones may not be ready to participate in the OSCE monitoring mission in Donbass due to maladjustment to the “conditions of the Ukrainian winter.”

The rights of war prisoner in Islam God says: “we have certainly honored the children of Adam” Surat al Israe 70 “And they feed the food for love of Him the needy, the orphan and the prisoner, we feed you only for the coutenance of ALLAH we wish not fom you reward or gratitude Surat al insane 8,9 “And if any of the polytheists seeks your protection , then grant him protection so they may hear the words of ALLAH , then deliver him to his place of safety “surat al tawba verse 6