It’s a Man’s World. Or maybe not?

Temida in red light district

facebook .. !!

Second bird flu outbreak found on Dutch farm. A second Dutch poultry farm has been found to be infected with avian flu

KEYSTONE-WALLED…. let the tar sands flow….. cause in the U.S.…. money talks LOUD and dirty .

Costly choice of Ukraine. There are victims


Fish in Russian 2014

Fragmentation boundary between Ukraine and Russia

The Apotheosis of War, in a three-dimensional coordinate system.

Russian ruble. Russian ruble continues to fall.

FIGHTING terror. syria-iraq

UKIP and Cameron

I LOVE N Y…. remember…. climate change = EXTREME weather conditions


Libyan Rhapsody

bird flu in Dutch soil. A second Dutch farm has been found to be infected with avian flu..