by Mike Schuler
The wreck of the Costa Concordia – or least what’s left of it – continues to be broken up in Genoa, Italy in preparation for final demolition sometime later this year.Photo credit:
According to the most recent update, released earlier this week, about 200 technicians are now working on cutting decks 5 to 3 while stripping internal fittings on deck 2 and 1.
With the wreck lighter, crews continue to remove sponsons, used for flotation throughout the salvage, most recently with the removal of the the sponson known as S3 and earlier S1 and P1. In the coming weeks, the sponsons S2, P2 and P3 will be disconnected from the ship and removed.
Operations are also continuing to restore the ship’s buoyancy so that all sponsons can be removed and the wreck can be transferred to dry dock where final demolition will take place.
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