| may 22nd 2017
comments of the day:
- saudi arabia: u.s allies or all lies? as the u.s president dances with the saudi elite in riyadh and lauds them as u.s allies, it’s worth recalling this statement he made early last year on the campaign trail: “ who knocked down the world trade center? it wasn’t the iraqis, it was the saudi’s — take a look at saudi arabia, open the documents.” — donald trump. bluffton, south carolina, february 17, 2016. trump appeared to be referencing the 28 pages that were redacted from the 2002 Joint inquiry into the 9/11 attacks. those pages are widely said to implicate the saudi elite of financing the attacks / p kreiner
- “dealer of arabia.” donald trump signs $110ban arms deal hours after landing in saudi arabia the white house says the agreement is a ‘significant expansion’ of the security relationship between the us and saudi arabia / a rodriguez
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