editor: dion diom manias
Annie Get Yer Gun, Them Nazi’s is Back!
Noam Chomsky once remarked on the ineffectual debate tactic of calling your opponent a Nazi, to paraphrase, there’s no rational reply, the only thing you can say is “no I’m not.” It’s a political and conversational taboo, a label so charged with negative emotion that to even apply it to an opponent in the heat of debate, is to forfeit a hefty cost to one’s own integrity.
So when discussing one of Greece’s rising political movements, the Golden Dawn Party, it’s no hyperbole or sad attempt to ennoble my own point of view when I refer to this group as a bunch of wild eye’d foaming mad motherfucking Nazis.
History is like fashion, it goes in cycles every few years — Mom’s 70’s bell bottoms that made you cringe in the late 80’s came back with a vengeance in the late 90’s — so hard to keep track but if you’re Karl Lagerfeld you can spot the trends. Fascism, like a good internet recipe for homemade napalm needs only a few simple old domestic ingredients to come back into vogue: runaway inflation, a dose of xenophobia, and socialist austerity measures. Mix well, let simmer on high, then throw into the face of civilization.
When I hear about GREEK Fascists, basically I picture a bunch of Neo-Nazi Butt-Pirates. Because Greek means anal sex. In the bum.