Please take a few minutes to read all the articles and then can someone
please explain to me why most Greeks are blaming the Germans and EU , IMF
and everybody else calling them names and whatever else because they are
not willing to be constantly fooled by most if not all political parties
that governed Greece since 1821
The experts mandated by the European Union to investigate the causes that
led Greece to the current economic situation relate the following facts*.*
– Greece falsified its accounts to enter the euro and has distorted
reality until it exploded
– There was a massive number of retirees at age 50. In Greece, many
workers have benefited from early retirement, set at 50 years for women and
55 years for men
– There were up to 50 drivers per official government car
– There were 45 gardeners for a small lawn with few bushes at Evangelismos
– Greece has the highest population of non-existent people reporting an
age of 110 years
-Deaths are often not registered and pensions continue to be paid. There
are still pensions still being paid to people who died over 50 years ago
– The European Union has found that there are some families receiving 4-5
pensions, which are not intended for them
– 40 000 girls receive a monthly life pension of 1,000 euros for the
simple fact that they are unmarried daughters of deceased civil servants
and it costs the state coffers EUR 550 million per year
– Cardiac pacemakers in Greek hospitals were acquired at a price 400 times
higher than British hospitals paid.
There are 600 job categories identified as particularly “heavy and
unhealthy” and among which are included hairdressers (because of dyes that
may be considered harmful), wind instruments musicians (blowing into a
flute is exhausting) or TV presenters (the microphones are supposed to
cause damage to health).
– There are many departments and unnecessary institutions, which many
Greeks work for. For example the Institute for the Protection of Kopais
Lake, a dry lake since 1930 employs 763 Greeks.
– In the decade before the crisis it has created over 300 new public
– Tax fraud is massive, over 25% of Greeks do not pay a penny on the
income of individuals
– In addition, the weight of the public sector in the economy is crushing.
There are about one million officials out of 4,000,000 working people
– The average salary of employees of the Greek public railways exceeds EUR
56.000.- per year.And this includes the cleaners, and low-skilled workers.
-The (almost free) Athens Metro delivers about 90 million tickets per year,
while the total cost of this public company exceeds 500 million euros.
– French retirees receive on average 51% of final salary,
German 40%,
North Americans 41%
and the Japanese 34%.
Meanwhile, Greek pensioners receive 66% of their previous salary
– Greece has four times as many teachers as Finland, the country in the
top place in the last PISA report.Greek Teachers as well those of Spain and
Portugal are the highest paid in the world and have the lowest
teacher-to-student ratio.
(Greek meaning of OPA – hooray!”, “Hell yeah!”, “Yeehaw!”Similar to
“viva”, “ole”, “yahooooo”,