October 28, 2016 by John Konrad
Today’s Ship Photo Of The Day (SPOTD) shows the platform supply vessel Stril Luna at work in the oil fields off Norway. Rolls-Royce Unified Bridge in action aboard the offshore supply vessel Stril Luna (Photo 2014, via Rolls Royce)
When Stril Luna was delivered from the Astilleros Gondán shipyard in Spain to its owner Simon Møkster Shipping in 2014, it was the first vessel to feature the Unified Bridge concept from Rolls-Royce.
Three years in development, the Unified Bridge presents a physical work environment adapted to a person’s natural movements, representing a new, ergonomic approach to all the activity required on the bridge of a vessel. The Stril Luna offshore platform supply vessel was designed by Rolls-Royce and is a UT 776 WP with an advanced hullform and wavepiercing bow. In addition to the Unified Bridge, the main power systems are also from Rolls-Royce.