news in cartoons, okt 23rd 2016
comment of the day: “epitaph”, with these words in the third and final debate, perhaps trump dug his own grave in the next elections in usa, we will see… [gallery_bank type... Read more
news in cartoons, okt 22nd 2016
comment of the day: portrait of abu bakr al-baghdadi. invention of the u.s government or islamic revolutionary? either way, he is an enigma wrapped in a black mumu. / p kreiner [gallery_bank... Read more
news in cartoons, okt 21st 2016
comment of the day: πολυφωνία είναι οχτώ απόψεις στο ίδιο κανάλι, όχι οχτω κανάλια με την ίδια άποψη / γ δερμετζόγλου [gallery_bank type=”images” format=”thumbnail” t... Read more
news in cartoons, okt 20th 2016
comment of the day: mars landing. european mars lander, named after Italian astronomer giovanni schiaparelli, touches down on the red planet. [gallery_bank type=”images” format=... Read more
news in cartoons, okt 19th 2016
comment of the day: freedom of expression in a dark room... many fellow cartoonists face the strong censorship of the medias for expressing his ideas… [gallery_bank type=”images... Read more
news in cartoons, okt 18th 2016
comment of the day: warship and iceberg. love will rescue the world. [gallery_bank type=”images” format=”thumbnail” title=”false” desc=”false”... Read more
news in cartoons, okt 17th 2016
comment of the day: whitewash usa. like when you do some artwork and it turns out to be shithouse and you want to start again so you paint over it.. [gallery_bank type=”images” f... Read more
news in cartoons, okt 16th 2016
comment of the day: game over… g o [gallery_bank type=”images” format=”thumbnail” title=”false” desc=”false” responsive=”true... Read more
news in cartoons, okt 15th 2016
comment of the day: unesco balance, un justice unisco .. the united nations body passes resolution ((no connection between jews, jerusalem) [gallery_bank type=”images” format=... Read more
news in cartoons, okt 14th 2016
comment of the day: religious? right. …. seriously… so many in the religious right have sold their souls to the devil [gallery_bank type=”images” format=”thumbnail”... Read more
news in cartoons, okt 13th 2016
comment of the day: the international day of the girl. always make your hearts safe locations for your mothers,wives,daughters and sisters….. [gallery_bank type=”images” fo... Read more
news in cartoons, okt 12th 2016
comment of the day: you harvest what you sow. militarization can’t grow into anything else than more militarization. [gallery_bank type=”images” format=”thumbnail... Read more
news in cartoons, okt 11th 2016
comment of the day: crashing pound. the pound’s value came crashing down dramatically. will it get better or crack during the brexit [gallery_bank type=”images” format=... Read more
news in cartoons, okt 10th 2016
comment of the day: sunday scoreboard. there is a disgusting lack of media coverage and world support for third-world Haiti’s plight in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. sure, sevent... Read more
news in cartoons, okt 9th 2016
comment of the day: Fiction Versus Reality [gallery_bank type=”images” format=”thumbnail” title=”false” desc=”false” responsive=”true... Read more
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